Tagged: Goals

#Defining April 11

Today’s #Coach4aday post is on DEFINING yourself. Often times a motivational quote inspires me to write on a certain topic. Last week I came across this gem from Dr Carl Jung. His piece of...

#Dream September 26

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the lesson is achieving a DREAM. Sometimes books even novels can inspire us to achieve. Such a book was written in 1988 and...

#Equivalent March 17

I continued to be more and more concerned about people who believe that their self-worth is connected to having a life EQUIVALENT to others. I have written before that the greatest sin of the...

#Dip January 23

Anyone that start a new habit is going to experience a DIP in motivation and performance. For many people that is the moment they quit. I have given up on numerous goals and new...

#Action January 6

I was doing quite a bit of reflecting last week. I thought of moments when I was overwhelmed by responsibilities, challenges, or some leadership crisis. I also reflected on accomplishments and thought back to...

#Modify October 29

One of the many things in life that gets me excited is learning about someone who decides to take on a challenge. Often times a challenge will seem quite impossible unless you take steps...

#Quest August 29

I have written about different goals people have and even shared a few of mine. When you are pursuing a goal it becomes a QUEST. Presently I am attempting to read the Bible from...

#Correction August 8

There is great anticipation in goal setting. You set your mind and energy on a specific target. The danger is that small mistakes made over a period of time without CORRECTION will cause you...

#Formula February 4

It took me two days but I listened to a fabulous podcast by Tim Ferris. In that podcast I learned about what you need if you have a idea or dream. The FORMULA comes...

#Vision November 17

Quick post today. Are there tools that can help us achieve goals? Jack Canfield is an author and transformational speaker who wrote “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. He believes the answer is yes. In...