Category: Beer of the Day


#Surcharge April 4

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is about a SURCHARGE. North Carolina has always had some interesting laws when it comes to...

#CreamAle July 13

During the month of July, I have taken up the 30-Day Curiosity Coach4aday Challenge, and today’s focus is on the origins of CREAM ALE. The mechanics of this challenge involve presenting a question and subsequently...

#DIPA August 15

Push notifications seem to pop up on my phone more and more frequently. Yet, one last week about DIPA got my attention. There are friends in my social circle that need no introduction to...

#Rebranded August 10

If you live in West Virginia, you probably know one of the most knowledgeable sports minds belongs to Frank Giardina. A few days ago, he posted something about regional breweries that sponsored many MLB...

#Beer May 5

Today the theme for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge is BEER. One of the wonderful things about podcasts is the depth of detail that many episodes go into about a topic. One area that...

#Beer March 22

Today’s post is on the most popular BEER in Wyoming. For the 30-Day State Trivia Challenge I wanted to find what is the most popular BEER brewed in that state. I keep track of...

#Beverage August 3

Today 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is BEVERAGE. Tell me you favorite, most unusual, or in my case hard to obtain drink. The challenge is for each reader to offer up their response. Think...

#Can July 6

Beer has not always packaged in a CAN. Part of the #Coach4adayChallenge for July is to share some interesting aspect of history. How the beer CAN has evolved is the focus of this post....

#Beer June 19

Finding and tasting a new BEER is a happy pursuit of mine. This past week my neighbor Ron Brown was out on the Outer Banks in Manteo NC and stopped in at Lost Colony...