Tagged: 30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge


#Recap April 30

For the month of April several of us completed the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s post is a RECAP of what we learned. This month provided comedy, irony, wisdom, and practical advice when it...


#Self April 29

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s post is on the importance of having a conversation with your SELF. This post marks one of...


#Write-off April 28

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on a business or personal WRITE OFF for your taxes. On Friday I was watching...


#Whom April 27

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is WHOM we should have conversations with. Like numerous perpetual learners, I’m subscribed to several leadership...


#Partial April 26

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on a PARTIAL conversation. One notable shift in societal norms involves the ubiquity of phone...


#Anger April 25

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on a parent trying to teach a son about ANGER. Navigating all the stages of...


#Ready April 24

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on being READY Over the past two weeks I have gotten to watch two great...


#Destiny April 23

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on DESTINY. One of the impactful books I have read is the 1993 novel called...


#Pricing April 22

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on PRICING In recent weeks, I’ve been inundated with discussions surrounding excessive pricing across various...


#Interested April 20

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is the importance of being INTERESTED. At the beginning of the week, I got to listen...