Category: Automobile


#Gnaw April 5

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is about the word GNAW. If you live in the south, you often encounter words to...

#Recall February 12

For February 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day RE Coach4aday Challenge”. The challenge involves utilizing a word that includes the prefix Re. Today my word is RECALL. The past week...

#Insurance July 15

As part of the 30-Day Curiosity Coach4aday Challenge in July, I have dedicated today’s focus to determining whether any US state does not require auto INSURANCE. The mechanics of this challenge involve presenting a...

#Cars July 8

During the month of July, I have taken up the 30-Day Curiosity Coach4aday Challenge, and today’s focus is on the top-selling CARS. The mechanics of this challenge involve presenting a question and subsequently uncovering...

#Cadillac April 19

Today’s #Coach4aday post is on some of the firsts with a CADILLAC. There are many songs with the automobile named Cadillac in the title or lyrics. List of songs about the Cadillac Maybe you...

#Parkway October 18

Every once in a while, I stop and reflect on the myriad of places, people and things that makes living in North Carolina great. One of them is the BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY. Over the...

#Car December 6

December’s 30 Day #Coach4adayChallenge is all about completing a daily quiz each day. Today’s quiz is about identifying correctly 30 different CAR logos. Yesterday’s Quiz – Day 5 was a mix and match of lyrics from...

#Cruise September 25

This month the #Coach4adayChallenge for September is to profile a biography of someone. Have you ever becoming frustrated with an attorney? Well frustration with a lawyer is why automobiles have CRUISE contraol. Modern cruise control...

#Car August 17

Today’s 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is to identify the first CAR you drove or owned. Millions of vehicles have been on the American highways over the past 125 years. We have seen Ford, Chevy,...