Tagged: Habits

#Habits October 18

Last week I engaged in a conversation about a topic I have written about before. the importance of HABITS. This conversation was taking place as I was having surgery done on my arm with...

#Desk June 10

Sitting at a DESK makes me happy. I am not siting there all day, just for the first hour of my day. I review my daily planner, do my morning devotion, craft a handwritten...

#Recap April 30

Today’s post is a RECAP of the #Coach4adayChallenge for April. This month it was 30 Days of Nature. I want to first say thanks to a special group of friends that decided to give...

#Practice March 16

Last week I read something about the importance of PRACTICE. The context was about spiritual growth not physical performance but its application still holds true. The nugget I read was from Philippians 4:9 and...

#Where February 16

During my ordeal with COVID in January I never concerned myself on WHERE I was going that day. To be honest it just wasn’t WHERE I was going physically it also applied to my...

#Habit February 5

When people hear about starting a new HABIT they often get bogged down on how difficult and arduous it will become. Sometimes we convince ourselves a simple task can become very difficult. Our lives...

#Dip January 23

Anyone that start a new habit is going to experience a DIP in motivation and performance. For many people that is the moment they quit. I have given up on numerous goals and new...

#Blank January 18

BLANK page-stare at screen-BLANK page-stare at screen-BLANK page Today has been one of those days where nothing seems to be coming to me to write. Just a BLANK page on BLANK computer screen. I...

#Action January 6

I was doing quite a bit of reflecting last week. I thought of moments when I was overwhelmed by responsibilities, challenges, or some leadership crisis. I also reflected on accomplishments and thought back to...

#Streaks December 19

There are a lot of notable STREAKS in the world of sports. The 56 game hitting STREAK of professional baseball great Joe DiMaggio. Cal Ripken Jr. STREAK of playing in 2632 consecutive baseball games. When it...