Tagged: Reading

#Newsletters October 7

Change occurs in our lives. One example for me is I have replaced newspapers with NEWSLETTERS. Reflection on the past often results in fond memories. That is the case for me with my love...

#Thoughts March 15

Over the past month I have been recording various THOUGHT I have gathered from reading. I am just going to list them “God provides the birds worms but he doesn’t put them in the...

#Reading February 13

I had someone named Duke Dahl visit my website who has a fascinating READING website called Bullet Point Reading He took the time to like a number of my posts earlier in the week....

#Ikigai September 10

One of the habits I am working on in this month 30 Day Challenge to create The Miracle Morning is to read. Last week as part of my morning leadership reading I came across...

#Midpoint August 15

Well today marks the MIDPOINT of the 30 Day “Do Something New Daily” Challenge for August. I have been receiving fabulous reports from friends that are doing this.  The reaction after getting halfway thru...

#Disruption July 26

We live in a two story house and our laundry room is upstairs. On Father’s Day our twenty -year old washing machine’s water sensor went out. The lack of that part working caused the...

#Tsundoku March 27

If you have no idea what the word TSUNDOKU means welcome to the club. I will come back to the word in a little bit. I want to explain how I came across it...