Category: Books

#Ode February 2

Today reading for the 30-Day Poetry Coach4aday Challenge is called the ODE 1:11. Horace is the author of the ODE. Quintus Horatius Flaccus was his full name, and he was the leading Roman Poet...

#Authors December 22

One of the great ways to learn is read what AUTHORS have written. Today’s 30-Day Quiz Coach4aday Challenge is on Books and AUTHORS. Day 21 Results Yesterday’s quiz was on MLB logos. We had...

#Habits October 18

Last week I engaged in a conversation about a topic I have written about before. the importance of HABITS. This conversation was taking place as I was having surgery done on my arm with...

#Follower July 24

In 2021 any day of the month that has the number 4 in the date becomes a day to post about one of the FOLLOWERS of this blog.  I started blogging in 2014 on the free...

#Novels July 20

If you live in North Carolina and like to read NOVELS I have info to share. Sometimes fiction can teach us facts. Libraries can do a lot for those interested in learning. They also...

#Mom May 29

One of the best leaders I know is Heather Hirt Miller and she just lost her MOM Ginger Hirt this week. Heather is the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at First Presbyterian Church...

#Library May 22

Visiting a LIBRARY can change your life. One of the my first great possessions was a card to the Morristown NJ LIBRARY. Growing up in Morristown NJ in the 1960’s there were lots of...

#Road May 10

“The ROAD Less Traveled” is one of the most influential books I have ever read. In fact I have read it several times. This month I along with others are participating in a 30...

#Envy April 26

ENVY can be dangerous and destructive. I remain concerned about the prevalence of comparison in the 21st Century. When we measure our self worth against what we see on social media it can become...

#Where February 16

During my ordeal with COVID in January I never concerned myself on WHERE I was going that day. To be honest it just wasn’t WHERE I was going physically it also applied to my...