Category: Books

#Aesop February 9

I overheard a conversation about our country not teaching morals in the grocery store. The person who was pontificating kept mentioning AESOP Fables. The gentleman kept mentioning all the morals young people could learn...

#Swap January 22

Last week on a rainy Tuesday I wanted to find something to read so I went browsing on Paperback SWAP (PBS). A SWAP meet is gathering where people attempt to barter or sell used...

#BestSellers December 5

It was not long ago when many newspapers posted all of their content online for free. I loved to browse the NY Times site on a Sunday and take in many features including their BEST SELLER list for...

#Og July 20

I have written before where I utilize my frugality and love of reading by participating in PaperBackSwap. You list books you have finished reading and other people claim them. For each book you mail to...

#A May 18

I finished reading a book last week called The Art of Possiblity  The book is a fabulous read that helped me grow. One of the lessons is that you assign the letter “A” as...

#List January 4

There are many great leadership lessons that I have been exposed to in my life. One of the top nuggets of wisdom is that “Leaders are Readers”. I often get asked at presentations I...

#Delegate December 26

In 2019 I added a daily habit of reading one chapter of the Bible each morning. I started with the New Testament and have moved on to the Old Testament. It will take most...

#Hero December 17

This week I listened to Jim Collins talk about the author John McPhee on a podcast. John McPhee wrote a book called “A Sense of Where You Are” in 1965 about my childhood HERO....

#Essentialism December 4

I came across a story about a book I want to read in 2020 called Essentialism-The Disciplined Pursuit of Less the author is Greg McKeown In essence this book is about priorities. In reading...

#Translate November 8

I learned something new on Sunday as I listened to my pastor David Ruth deliver a sermon. Martin Luther in 1534 translated the Old Testament written in Greek and the Old Testament written in...