#Trails June 11
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Today for the 30-Day Sign Coach4aday Challenge I am focusing on the signs you may see in five states for the Civil War TRAILS.

The North Carolina Civil War TRAILS program is part of a five-state system. Those states are Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Each State can customize directional markers and North Carolina’s looks like the one you see below.

Tourism related to the Civil War is boom to many local economies. In the National Park Service’s 2019 Visitor Spending Effects Report showed a grand total of 18.8 million recreational visits to battlefields. Granted not all are related to the Civil War but many of them are.
Scott Manning wrote a post in 2013 about Civil War buffs. He stated there were three classifications reenactors, scholars, and battlefield junkies. Maybe the Civil War Trail is more for the last two than reenactors. Learned that many enjoy doing a day trip driving various roads exploring history. There is a link to planning a Civil War road trips
There is also a place where you can download maps.
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