#Signs June 1

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Today begins the 30th consecutive month taking on a new Coach4aday 30-Day Challenge. In June 2022 the theme will be SIGNS.

What has me excited about this challenge is the variety of how someone can approach it. For starters take a look at how the word is defined by Merriam-Webster. Here is a link to the definition.

Examples of SIGNS

  1. It can be a set of gestures that represent language-One easy example is sign language.
  2. It can apply to placing your signature on a document. Example would be completing your income taxes.
  3. Something material that signifies something spiritual. Example would be signs of spiritual awakening
  4. In the world of recruiting or an employment search getting someone to accept a scholarship or contract.
  5. A display to advertise a business or service.
  6. Posted command or warning.

Rules for the 30-Day Sign Challenge

  1. Each day in June describe a SIGN. Choosing what type of sign, that decision is left up to you.
  2. Share a link or photo that helps us understand more about that sign.

What this challenge can potential do is make all of us more aware of what message SIGNS are trying to convey. Laughing at sign is very possible because of context or a misspelling. Irony, frustration, and confusion may all result from a sign. They may evoke a memory. All the challenge is out to do is expand our thinking by hopefully exposing us to something new or novel.

Day 1 Sign

In attempt to give each reader multiple examples I am offering up three SIGNS today.

Over a decade ago I took a trip to Michigan. While driving thru a small town that was close to Lake Michigan, I came to an abandoned store front. Hanging prominently over the front door was sign seen below. The sign included my last name, and I was intrigued.

My second sign is also from Michigan and was something I saw on the news in April. Apparently, a gigantic overhead highway sign on I-96 misspelled Grand Rapids. Here is the link.

Last, I offer up how to use sign language to convey the word sign.

Hope you will consider joining the 30-Day Signs Coach4aday Challenge.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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