#Memory September 16
For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the lesson is on MEMORY. Many of the people in my social circle are dealing with family members who are suffering from various...
For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the lesson is on MEMORY. Many of the people in my social circle are dealing with family members who are suffering from various...
Today the #Coach4adayChallenge is to share your earliest MEMORY. Attempt to go back as far as possible and describe what you remember. Please share how old you were and where this recall took place....
A year ago today I got to participate in a REUNION with one of the basketball teams I coached. It was one of the last big events I participated in prior to the pandemic....
One of the benefits I am receiving this month by participating in the 30 Day Photo Challenge is MEMORY. I am reliving some of my own personal MEMORIES when I reexamine a photo I have taken....
I attempt to have draft posts completed 5-7 days ahead of when I will post them. Because of a guest post and COVID-19 I actually began this draft on BREATHING over two weeks ago....
One idea for a 30 Day Challenge is to improve your MEMORY. You will not have to look far to find brain training software available to purchase. I wanted to get some ideas that...
The last few weeks I have listened to friends discuss the cognitive decline of family members. As we age the risk for reduced memory and BRAIN disease increases. I found a good article on...
I wrote a post last week about Max Hertan and the number of 30 Day Challenges he has completed. Max is pretty amazing and he has over 100K subscribers to his YouTube Channel. The...
I am pretty sure all of us have circumstances where we suffer from CONFUSION. We mistakenly identify an individual as someone else is a case in point. We may also be in a conversation...
I often got asked during my tenure in Higher Education for advice on how student or student-athletes could succeed. My top answer surprised people. It wasn’t going to class. It wasn’t going to the...
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