#Roles November 9

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Most of us have multiple ROLES in our lives. Each role is different but each one makes up part of who we are. The ROLES are similar to unique color vectors in a circle. Together they make us who we are.

Colors of different vectors make up a circle

Colors representing different ROLES of our life

Examples of ROLES can include parent, spouse, friend, runner, project manager, volunteer, family member, entrepreneur, and coach.

A role is nothing more than a key relationship or a contribution. Each role is going to have key responsibilities and attributes that may be unique. When we can identify all the different ROLES we have in our lives we can begin to imagine how we want to perform in each one of them.

Many years ago I purchased a Franklin Covey Planner. It came with an owner’s guide on how best to use it. One of the best things in that guide was a template on how to describe and identify each role in my life. Here is a picture from my planner of template.

Identifying Roles

So in each role of my life I needed to identify the key people. I also needed to write a clarifying statement on who I aspired to be in that role.

My quest is to exceed the expectation in each role of my life. News bulletin “I don’t always achieve that outcome”.

When we identify each role in our life and clearly know what we are trying to achieve in each of those relationships it is amazing what can happen.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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