#Compelled November 10

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On Thursday I gave the keynote at Southeastern Health “Rewards & Recognition” program. There were a number of employees who got recognized because they saw a need and became COMPELLED to act.

Southeasern Health Rewards and Recognition Program for Employees

Southeastern Health Rewards and Recognition Program

There is a Christian Book called “The 10 Second Rule”. The author is Clare DeGraaf. It is all about simple habit to make following Jesus more relevant in our lives.

The 10 Second Rule

The premise of the book is very simple. We all get COMPELLED to do things for others. When this occurs make a decision within 10 seconds that what you feel compelling will in fact take place. The reality for many including me is we blow that compelling thought off. I need to get better at listening and responding when I am reasonably sure that is what God wants me to do.

I need to stop the excuses of inadequate time, talent, or treasure. To be honest most of the thoughts involve time. I fight off feelings of embarrassment, or inadequacy, or how I might appear to others. As the author points out thankfully Jesus didn’t act that way.

We all tend to hesitate when we see someone in need, telling ourselves that it’s not our problem. The 10 Second Rule perspective is doing what’s right, in the moment, will not only help you grow your relationship with God provides an unfilled need to all those around us.

We all have an inner voice talking to us. The next time something sounds like you are being COMPELLED to act make the decision you will. Make that happen in the first 10 Seconds.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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