Tagged: Words

#Hotspots July 19

Prior to March 2020, I had a couple of definitions if I read or heard the word HOTSPOTS. I might think of trendy restaurants or tourist attractions when I heard the word. I am...

#Tongue July 8

I think most people know the TONGUE is a muscle. I found that it is technically referred to as a muscular hydrostat. The average weight of tongue for an adult male is about 70 grams...

#Frequency April 6

Certain times in our lives create for us events, words, people, and feelings that come up over and over again. This post is on the FREQUENCY of such things. It is very random but...

#Contractions January 16

Doing daily reading or listening to leadership materials brings me lots of new thoughts. Several weeks ago I was researching 30 Day Challenges. I came across an article by Jeff Boss called 15 Unique...

#Incipient August 27

Came across a new word for me as I was attempting to find a synonym for growing. I found INCIPIENT. What struck me as a former basketball coach was the definition used a basketball...

#Shroud August 24

Everyday that I write a post I realize how little I know about words. There are many words that can be both a noun and a verb. Here is a list of some of...

#Foil August 17

I was channeling surfing one night last week and came across the Food Network TV show Chopped. One of the judges complimented one of the chefs by telling him a “the sweet sauce was...

#Zig August 15

I will usually respond to the question, “How you doing” with a ZIG Ziglar quote. I am fantastic but working on improving. Hilary Hinton “ZIG” Ziglar was an author, salesman, and motivational speaker who...

#Discernment July 25

Sometimes life forces you to make a choice. One situation I believe most of us face is how to balance who to help and who to avoid. I make that decision sound distrusting and...

#Heliotropism July 23

I use words to frame my daily posts. Many are words I have never heard of. That is the case with HELIOTROPISM. The word means the directional growth of a plant in response to...