Tagged: Tim Ferris Podcast

#Aurelius February 16

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#Good October 11

For October 2023, I am participating in the “30-Day 30 Words Coach4aday Challenge” where the topic today is on GOOD. October 11th Topic Within a six-hour period earlier this month, I witnessed individuals performing...

#Prioritize September 10

Today for the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge is about a technique to help someone PRIORITIZE.  The concept comes from Jim Collins on his formula for living a fulfilling life. He has authored a number of books...

#Business May 20

Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge my theme is BUSINESS. Lesson learned from my days as a coach was the leadership concepts could transfer from different professions. Working in college athletics I read a lot...

#Dip January 23

Anyone that start a new habit is going to experience a DIP in motivation and performance. For many people that is the moment they quit. I have given up on numerous goals and new...

#Priorities December 31

Today and tomorrow are the days that many people take on the task of establishing resolutions for the new year. I have done that in the past. For 2021 I am establishing three PRIORITIES...

#80/20 Principle October 2

It has been over a month since I listened to a podcast. I had a couple of long drives to make this week and I decided to revisit the Tim Ferris Podcast. I choose the...

#Rivals February 12

As an elementary school student in the early 1960’s I loved February 12th because it was celebrated as a school holiday, President Lincoln’s Birthday. In 1968 the federal government created President’s Day and the...

#Formula February 4

It took me two days but I listened to a fabulous podcast by Tim Ferris. In that podcast I learned about what you need if you have a idea or dream. The FORMULA comes...

#Complicit January 13

Listening to the Tim Ferris Podcast interview last Sunday. His guest was Jerry Colonna a financier turned life coach. A link to that interview is here. Jerry enlightened me about what it means to...