Tagged: Robeson County

#William March 26

For March 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day Shout-Out Coach4aday Challenge”. Today the recipient is WILLIAM GENTRY. Willaim Gentry is a retired educator, past president of Kiwanis of Robeson Lumberton,...

#Colloquialisms October 29

COLLOQUIALISMS is one of the longest prompt words I have used to begin a post. Defining just what it is might be simply stated as a word or phrase that is not formal or...

#Novels July 20

If you live in North Carolina and like to read NOVELS I have info to share. Sometimes fiction can teach us facts. Libraries can do a lot for those interested in learning. They also...

#Health February 19

Last week I had an interesting conversation with a friend about his HEALTH and the COVID vaccine. It seems that his home county (in NC) still does not have adequate number of vaccine shots...

#BladenCounty February 12

North Carolina is a basically a rural state with 70 of its 100 counties being classified as rural. That includes BLADEN County. In 1734 BLADEN became a precinct. It was part of Bath County...

#Cluster February 25

A week from today the 2020 North Carolina Primary Election will be over. I realize not everyone reading this lives in NC but some of the street corners in our state and in Robeson...

#Autumn October 13

The month of October as far as weather goes is my favorite month of the year.  A lot has to do with where I live. In Southeastern NC the AUTUMN in October typically means...

#Untapped August 5

Today’s post may only apply to a few people who like beer. It is about a phone app called UNTAPPED. This post also discusses my excitement about a business venture Pramit Patel is bringing...