Tagged: Lowell George

#SongLyricSunday-Guilty-June 5

This week for Song Lyric Sunday our host Jim Adams has given us the prompt of Disgust, Embarrassment, Guilt, Regret, Remorse. The goal is to take the prompt and profile a song that has it part...

#LittleFeat November 30

Today is the last day of the 30 Day Album #Coach4adayChallenge and I choose to end the month listening to LITTLE FEAT. The first live album for LITTLE FEAT was titled “Waiting for Columbus”...

#LittleFeat May 30

On Friday May 23rd at 2:30 p.m. May 23rd my wife and I received a spontaneous offer from some friends to spend the night with them at North Myrtle Beach, SC. It is just...