Tagged: Life Lessons

#Equivalent March 17

I continued to be more and more concerned about people who believe that their self-worth is connected to having a life EQUIVALENT to others. I have written before that the greatest sin of the...

#Practice March 16

Last week I read something about the importance of PRACTICE. The context was about spiritual growth not physical performance but its application still holds true. The nugget I read was from Philippians 4:9 and...

#Revenge March 9

There is a famous line in the movie the “Godfather” about REVENGE. The quote is “REVENGE is a dish best served cold” uttered by Don Vito Corleone to his son Michael. I also read...

#Genuine March 2

In the 21st Century we are constantly under the threat that a message or phone call someone sends to us it not going to be GENUINE. Messages claiming to be from the IRS, Social...

#Manual February 27

At some point we all have done it. We purchase an item and it stops working for whatever reason. Then we want to determine if can be fixed or reset. We hunt in drawers...

#Alchemist February 17

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of having a daily destination or WHERE. Two years ago I read a book that I revisited last week when I felt my sense of purpose and direction...

#Where February 16

During my ordeal with COVID in January I never concerned myself on WHERE I was going that day. To be honest it just wasn’t WHERE I was going physically it also applied to my...

#Tolerance February 11

I hope you have some TOLERANCE for me sharing a few thoughts on TOLERANCE. How about filling in the blank to the following sentence. I am not going to TOLERATE________________________ anymore. You don’t have...

#Aesop February 9

I overheard a conversation about our country not teaching morals in the grocery store. The person who was pontificating kept mentioning AESOP Fables. The gentleman kept mentioning all the morals young people could learn...

#Refinishing February 8

There are so many quotes about making superficial judgements. “You can’t judge a book by a cover”, “Beauty is the eyes of the beholder” and “Still waters run deep”. It is often hard to...