Tagged: Life Lessons

#Investing April 14

For Day-14 the word for the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge is INVESTING. Many will think of INVESTING as the act of allocating resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating an income or profit....

#Akrasia February 17

Reading something about leadership every morning often introduces me to a new concept or word. Earlier this month I came across AKRASIA. This word comes from the Greeks and defines a type of philosophy....

#Me February 5

Today’s post is on the plusses and flaws of using the word ME in leadership. Poem of the Day Here is a Poem with the title ME. It is by Walter de la Mare...

#Simplify February 3

Performing a Google search on SIMPLIFY can get pretty confusing. When we attempt to SIMPLIFY our lives choosing a pathway might seem complex. A simple life has a different meaning and a different value...

#Futile January 17

FUTILE behavior can be frustrating. For the past 17 days I have been engaged in a Sugar Free 30-Day Challenge. It has been hardest of all the previous (24) 30 Day Challenges I have...

#Influence January 4

When I present to groups on leadership, I often share a John Maxwell quote. “Leadership is INFLUENCE, nothing more, nothing less“. Today I write a quick post that will end with a video. Do...

#Changing January 3

For many Americans either today or tomorrow will see them back at work for the first day in 2022. For many they have spent the holiday break thinking about CHANGING how, where, and why...

#2021 December 31

This has been some year. Today’s post is part of “Past Year in Review” (PYR) I undertook. That concept came from Tim Ferris. When my 2021 PYR was finished it provided me with feedback...

#Marriage June 8

Today my wife and I celebrate forty-one years of MARRIAGE We have come a long way in 41 years. Here is the two of us walking out of the church as a married couple...

#Recap May 31

Today’s post is a RECAP of the #Coach4adayChallenge for May. This month it was to share “Life Lessons” you had learned from others. I want to first say thanks to Jeff Neelon for his...