Tagged: Leadership Lessons

#Winston January 12

Today for the 30-Day Movie Coach4aday Challenge I watched a documentary on WINSTON Churchill. Located a 2017 film called “Darkest Hour” on Netflix. Fascinating look at the first few weeks of Winston Churchill tenure as Prime Minister...

#Praising September 21

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the focus is on PRAISING. If you want to read about a remarkable leader who is in his 80’s take a look at the...

#Leadership July 26

For Day 26 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge I am profiling the ingredients for LEADERSHIP. Perusing the non-fiction aisle at a Barnes and Noble many years ago another customer uttered a powerful statement. “Why are...

# Praise April 12

For Day 12 of the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge the word I am featuring is PRAISE. This challenge requires you to identify a word and they provide a quote. One of the traits of...

#Me February 5

Today’s post is on the plusses and flaws of using the word ME in leadership. Poem of the Day Here is a Poem with the title ME. It is by Walter de la Mare...

#Truth January 19

One great movie scene of all times is from the 1992 film “A Few Good Men“. What makes it unforgettable is a line about the TRUTH. Jack Nicholson in the role of Marine Col....

#Madden January 13

Most people that follow sports realize the legendary NFL Football Coach John MADDEN died December 29, 2021. Achievements in his career included winning coach, acclaimed broadcaster, and synonymous with a video game that bears...

#Follower July 14

In 2021 any day of the month that has the number 4 in the date becomes a day to post about one of the FOLLOWERS of this blog.  I started blogging in 2014 on the free...

#Mom May 29

One of the best leaders I know is Heather Hirt Miller and she just lost her MOM Ginger Hirt this week. Heather is the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at First Presbyterian Church...