Tagged: Integrity

#SALE April 3

For the month of April several of us are participating in the 30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge. Each day we share a dialog between two individuals that touches on a theme or topic. Today it...

#Choice August 22

Today’s Coach4aday post is about behavior I witnessed in a recent two day golf tournament. I am going to keep you the reader in suspense to the end of the post. My only foreshadowing...

#Inadequate May 16

I had a conversation with an individual that confessed to me he was feeling INADEQUATE for the task he had been assigned at work. We discussed it at length and at the end we...

#Promises March 24

Sometimes in moments of fear or desperation we reach out to God in prayer with all types of PROMISES. I am sensing that is happening a lot right now. I can remember one of...

#Surround January 20

There are a couple of quotes that stress the importance of who we associate or SURROUND ourselves with. Birds of a feather flock together” “Bad Company corrupts Good Character” “The only way to get...