Tagged: Fear


#Destiny April 23

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on DESTINY. One of the impactful books I have read is the 1993 novel called...

#Changing January 3

For many Americans either today or tomorrow will see them back at work for the first day in 2022. For many they have spent the holiday break thinking about CHANGING how, where, and why...

#Alchemist February 17

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of having a daily destination or WHERE. Two years ago I read a book that I revisited last week when I felt my sense of purpose and direction...

#Fear January 27

How do we overcome the emotion of FEAR? Often times my strategy has been to avoid FEAR. I know I am not alone. What often happens when I avoid FEAR is I just become...

#Streaks December 19

There are a lot of notable STREAKS in the world of sports. The 56 game hitting STREAK of professional baseball great Joe DiMaggio. Cal Ripken Jr. STREAK of playing in 2632 consecutive baseball games. When it...

#Recap August 31

I am really excited that a large number of family and friends decided to accept the 30 Day Challenge for August. It required trying one new thing every day for the entire month. The list...

#Promises March 24

Sometimes in moments of fear or desperation we reach out to God in prayer with all types of PROMISES. I am sensing that is happening a lot right now. I can remember one of...

#Uncertainty February 27

I had a chance to listen to Peter Mallouk who is the President of Creative Planning. If you want to listen to what I heard go to the Tim Ferriss Podcast I loved a...

#Alone December 18

When I was in 5th grade attending a Catholic Grade School, there was a tradition that the 5th grade class would perform on Christmas Eve. I am not a gifted singer. There was a...