Tagged: Author

#Treasury September 6

Today for the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge. Today’s lesson is a TREASURY of things I gained from reading Zig Ziglar books. Zig Ziglar has authored a number of books many I have read....

#Conversation July 25

Today for Day 25 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge the theme is CONVERSATION. When it comes to socialization, networking, or finding a way to be memorable it involves one key ingredient. Dale Carnegie...

#Agent June 4

Today for the 30-Day Sign Coach4aday Challenge I am focusing on how to sign on with an AGENT. In the world of sports, art, music, and literature one step to some form of financial...

#Procrastination May 25

Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge my theme is PROCRASTINATION. Many talented people struggle with putting off the necessary or important tasks. It is a dilemma that I often encounter in working with clients or teams...

#Business May 20

Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge my theme is BUSINESS. Lesson learned from my days as a coach was the leadership concepts could transfer from different professions. Working in college athletics I read a lot...

#Growth May 14

#Growth May 14

Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge my theme is GROWTH There have been many books that have influenced me. One is by an author who happens to be a professor at Stanford named Carol Dweck....

#Books May 11

Today the theme for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge is BOOKS. When it comes to BOOKS there are no shortage of podcasts covering that topic. Shuffling thru the Spotify search engine I decided to listen to...

#Recap April 30

Today ends the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge. It has been fun and informative. Closing out April with a RECAP. Want to thank Jeff Neelon and Jaclyn Donovan for their daily contributions to the Challenge...

#Signature January 28

Thich Nhat Hanh passed away peacefully on January 22, 2022. While alive he shared with the world a great quote about our SIGNATURE. He was a spiritual leader, poet, and peace activist and author....

#Madden January 13

Most people that follow sports realize the legendary NFL Football Coach John MADDEN died December 29, 2021. Achievements in his career included winning coach, acclaimed broadcaster, and synonymous with a video game that bears...