Tagged: Advice

#Viewpoint September 2

For the month of September, I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Challenge. Today’s lesson is on the impact of a VIEWPOINT. One author who has impacted me is James Clear. Before the...

#LiteraryLesson September 1

Today starts a new 30-Day Coach4day Challenge. For September the challenge is to identify a LITERARY LESSON a book, article, or newspaper story taught you. Appreciate Jeff Neelon for generating the idea for this...

#Pertinacity August 20

Looking up a synonym for persistence and found PERTINACITY. In essence holding true to a course of action. Life often brings us challenges that tempt us to give up on a goal, dream, or...

#Differences August 18

Some truths I believe in. First each of us has been created in unique way and that results in DIFFERENCES Second the only way to grow as a Christian is to surrender our lives...

#Regret April 29

Today’s word for the 30-Day Quotation Challenge is REGRET. Three distinct thoughts have been percolating in my brain that past few days. A Frank Sinatra Song Authentic Regret My challenge is how to merge...

#Decisions April 26

Today the word for the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge is DECISIONS. People in professional careers are paid to make DECISIONS. Manufacturing requires a choice required to complete the process of creating a product. If...

#Warren September 2

Today for the 30 Day Biography #Coach4adayChallenge the focus is on WARREN Buffett. For September the challenge is to read, listen, or watch a biography on someone. For 30 days spend some time learning...

#Golf June 3

Being on a GOLF Course makes me happy. Being there with friends makes me even happier. The Coach4adayChallenge for June is really simple. Think about a PLACE daily that makes you happy. In my...

#Job June 2

This is a post about having a JOB. There is a lot to say. For many of us our JOBS can be a happy place. My family history is tied to a number of...

#Mom May 29

One of the best leaders I know is Heather Hirt Miller and she just lost her MOM Ginger Hirt this week. Heather is the Director of Children and Youth Ministries at First Presbyterian Church...