#LiteraryLesson September 1

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Today starts a new 30-Day Coach4day Challenge. For September the challenge is to identify a LITERARY LESSON a book, article, or newspaper story taught you.

Appreciate Jeff Neelon for generating the idea for this challenge. His idea along with following a great blog called “Bullet Point Reading” by Duke Dahl really got me excited to share what lessons written words have taught me. His blog is a great one to follow

To be honest I am looking forward to hearing the impact different books have had on others.

Rules for 30 Day Literary Lesson Challenge

  1. Identify a book and author that has taught or reinforced a life lesson to you.
  2. Very briefly in no more than 4 sentences described that lesson
  3. Share it with someone. That can be done in person or via social media. Just link it back to this post or use #Coach4adayChallenge in your share.

The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck

Very seldom do the first few sentences of any book become memorable. Yet, in the book “The Road Less Traveled” by Scott Peck that happened to me.

That opening of this book taught me not to accept that everything in life will be easy. Once we accept that life is difficult it in fact become easy. Here is the opening.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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