Tagged: 30 Day Knot Tying Challenge

#Knot December 10

If you have participated in previous 30 Day #Coach4aday Challenges you know in October 2021 the challenge ago was KNOTS. Well today is a refresher on just what we have recalled from that experience....

#Recap October 30

Today is a RECAP of the 30 Day Knot Tying #Coach4adayChallenge. Over the past 30 days I along with Jaclyn Donovan and Jeff Neelon have been learning to tie a wide variety of knots....

#Butcher October 28

As the weather turns a little cooler having a roast for Sunday Dinner is a great menu choice. One part in prepping a roast is often tying it together with a BUTCHER Knot. This...

#Balthus October 25

On Friday night I had to attend a function that required a tie. That makes two weekends in a row that I had wear something formal. I debated what kind of knot to use....

#Stopper October 19

On Saturday I had some time on my hands and I decided to take on the Triple Overhand STOPPER Knot. Learning this knot is part of the 30 Day Knot Tying #Coah4dayChallenge. Rock climbing...

#Necktie October 9

Yesterday I attended a funeral for a friend David Myron McGuirt. Since retirement I have not worn on NECKTIE on many occasions but I did yesterday Every day this month I am participating in...

#Criticism October 8

Received some feedback that one of the participants in this month’s 30 Day Knot Tying #Coach4aday Challenge was the subject of CRITICISM. The rationale given to them by the critic was they were wasting...

#Stitches October 6

Often times when someone cuts themselves badly they ask will it need STITCHES. STITCHES are a way doctors can close certain types of cuts. A doctor uses a special needle and thread to put...

#Knot October 1

Today begins a new 30 Day #Coach4adayChallenge. For October the challenge is to tie a different type of KNOT every day. Any type of KNOT will do and that includes Boating, Fishing, Climbing, Surgical...