#Solstice June 20
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If you like lots of sunlight today is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Today marks the Summer SOLSTICE

Summer SOSLTICE means that in Northern Hemisphere the Earth’s North Pole has a maximum tilt towards the sun. That results in more sunlight for that half of the earth. In Southeastern North Carolina the sun will rise today at 6:01 a.m. and set at 8:32 p.m.
Alaska typically has really long days with the chance for sunshine for most of the day during the summer especially near the SOLSTICE. Unfortunately in the winter the converse is true with long periods of darkness.
Northern Sweden is another place with some days with lots of sunlight in the summer. Sunlight can do amazing things to our moods and emotions. Some people have said that when there is sunshine the people in Sweden become the best version of themselves.
From late May until mid-July places north of the Arctic Circle including parts of Alaska and Sweden, the sun never sets. About 25% of Alaska and 15% of Sweden lies within the Arctic Circle. Sunlight in Alaska and Sweden is special after long dark winters.
I am a fan of the show The Last Alaskans The mood of the people cast in the show is greatly elevated when there is sun shining. The video clip below provides a glimmer of that.
Darkness and sunshine both trigger the release of hormones in our brains. Those hormones do effect our mood. Darkness triggers the release of Melatonin which causes us to sleep. Sunlight will release Serotonin. It is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.
Where ever you are in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy the Summer SOLSTICE.
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