#Read February 23
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I am constantly looking for new ideas to share related to 30 Day Challenges. As I have stated before I going to take on different challenges each month in 2020. For the record I am not going to attempt each one I discover.
I discovered a book written by Rosanna Casper called The Big Book of 30 Day Challenges: 60 Habit-Forming Programs to Live an Infinitely Better Life

One of the 30 Day Challenges in this book is to READ. The quest is to READ 10-20 pages a day of various books. I am biased but I really believe non-fiction will help you with personal development.

For many people reading is not an activity they find enjoyable. There is also the default excuse that many of us for starting any 30 Day Challenge is we do not have the time.
Here are some facts on what occurs when you READ.
People can read about one page a minute. So if you commit to READ 10 pages it will require ten minutes. You can find ten minutes a day.
When you READ Non-Fiction you will learn life lessons from others.
You will improve concentration
Reading feeds your brain and may be a deterrent to cognitive brain diseases.
Finally reading broadens you thinking about a number of issues.
Every 30 Day Challenge is an attempt to create a new habit. A number of people subscribe to a “Don’t Break the Chain” method. I have written this many times –“discipline is a sum of our habits”. When you create new habits you increase your self-discipline.
I have found a YouTube Video by Road Delta. It may have some great tips for you on starting and completing a 30 Day Challenge to READ.
Leaders are readers!
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