Tagged: Habit Stacking

#Repost February 2

For February 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day RE Coach4aday Challenge”. The challenge involves utilizing a word that includes the prefix Re. Today my choice is to REPOST. My first...

#Challenge July 30

For Day 30 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge I am profiling the ingredients of a daily CHALLENGE. Today brings the 30-Day Challenge for July to a close. I have now finished thirty-one consecutive 30-Day Challenge....

#Streaks December 19

There are a lot of notable STREAKS in the world of sports. The 56 game hitting STREAK of professional baseball great Joe DiMaggio. Cal Ripken Jr. STREAK of playing in 2632 consecutive baseball games. When it...

#Momentum November 7

The force or speed of a movement is defined as MOMENTUM. It is also closely connected to mass and velocity. If you have watched any type of athletic contest I am sure you have...

#Stacking September 21

 James Clear in his book Atomic Habits talks about “Habit STACKING”. I have no doubt that all of the 30 Day Challenge I and others have engaged in 2020 is working on helping us improve. The improvement takes...

#Read February 23

I am constantly looking for new ideas to share related to 30 Day Challenges. As I have stated before I going to take on different challenges each month in 2020. For the record I...