#Momentum November 7

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The force or speed of a movement is defined as MOMENTUM. It is also closely connected to mass and velocity.

If you have watched any type of athletic contest I am sure you have witnessed MOMENTUM. Sometimes a negative change in MOMENTUM will cause a team’s most loyal fans to be come DORTY (30 Day Vocabulary Challenge). MOMENTUM can become the oomph or vitality of the moment.

A single play in a contest can elevate that oomph that we often call MOMENTUM. The key is something has to be moving.

I really believe that MOMENTUM in our lives begins to grow when you have an appreciation or gratitude for something. Remember MOMENTUM is defined as positive energy and when we become appreciative we leave thinking about negative outcomes behind. Gratitude gets us moving away from what Zig Ziglar defined as “Stinking Thinking”.

Back in January I began a year long quest to complete at least 12 unique 30 Day Challenges. I began in January with a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. One of my morning habits is to write down three things I am grateful for.

I have said it a lot but the beauty of 30 Day Challenges is they create habits. Habits become discipline. When we stack habits on top of one another we are building MOMENTUM.

Whether it is mass or velocity MOMENTUM needs a start to increase its oomph!

In any game including the game of life it is the small steps done over and over again that create MOMENTUM. The key is to start moving.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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