#Maine March 8
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I often watch a TV show called MAINE Cabin Masters. Watching that show makes me reflect on my late brother Thomas Kenney. He died on June 26, 2019 at his home in Belgrade, Maine. Today would have been his 64th birthday.
Tom lived in MAINE most of his adult life and build his share of cabins for people. For us that are not from MAINE they call a cabin a “camp”. MAINE has many things that make it unique, including words and food.

Even though my brother Tom was a builder/contractor by occupation at the center of his soul he was a fun loving, practical joker. He loved getting the best of his friends. Sometimes he found out that his clients were kindred spirits.
Here is a photo collage of my brother with most of the picture from MAINE.

When I first started writing this blog I would always be on the lookout for good stories. In phone conversation with my brother in 2015 he shared a story of a friend who passed away in August 2014 named John Gilman.
My brother first met John 13 years ago when he hired Tom to build him a “camp” near Belgrade Lakes, ME. For those that don’t know what a camp is to someone in New England I encourage you to listen to the comedian born in MAINE Bob Marley-he gives it a true MAINE perspective and definition. I warn you his language is a little salty.
My brother Tom Kenney met John Gilman building his camp. My brother and John’s family all described him as a “Wicked Pissah”. I mentioned this earlier but MAINE and New England have their own vocabulary.
John Avery Gilman, 78, passed away in Hope Valley, Rhode Island on August 5, 2014. John was survived by his wife of 50 years, Diane (Ainsworth) Gilman, and three children; Susan Gardner-Gilman, Jeffrey Gilman and his fiancée Christine Brewster, and Donna Gilman Hoyle and her husband Kevin Hoyle.
John was also the founder and former CEO of Western Mass. Blasting Corp. He was elected to the R.I. House of Representatives in 1976 and served four terms. Yet despite all that he was also a practical joker like my brother Tom.
Here is one of many stories Tom related to me about John.
John had his gall bladder removed and had a friend that was going to go thru the same procedure. John goes to a chicken joint and orders up a chicken gizzard dinner. He places that chicken gizzard in a water filled mayonnaise jar. He gets his friends mailing address at the hospital and sends it to him with a note saying on behalf of the pathology staff at the hospital they want him to have his very own gall bladder as a keepsake.
The note encouraged him to place in on his mantle or some other prominent place in his home. His friend and John talked about it two months later with his friend actually admitting he thought it was legit. They both had a “wicked good MAINE laugh” about that.
Just like some MAINE phrases and words are hard to digest or comprehend apparently the same holds true for MAINE foods. Take a look at Californians trying some iconic MAINE foods and beverages.
If my brother was still alive I am sure he could provide me a “Wicked MAINE” response to these Californians.
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