#Kiwanis June 18
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Today for the 30-Day Sign Coach4aday Challenge my post is about KIWANIS. Worldwide there are more than 7,000 Kiwanis clubs.

On Wednesdays at lunch, I attend a meeting of the Kiwanis of Robeson-Lumberton Club. I have belonged to this organization at various stages of my professional and retired life. In 2004 I got recognized locally as Kiwanian of the Year. That is an honor I share with friends like Joe Butler and Carey Read.

Prominently on display at each of our meetings is the Kiwanis logo you see below.

1924 was the year the organization was founded and has been empowering our community to impact the lives of children for almost 100 years. Local Kiwanis clubs like mine look to take care of the children in our neighborhoods. International Kiwanis takes on more worldwide issues.
Local projects the Robeson-Lumberton club is involved with include “Read Across Robeson County” where each 2nd grader in the county receives a book, “Terrific Kids” a recognition program for local elementary schools, “Take a Kid to a Game” which is providing transportation and tickets to a collegiate basketball game, and scholarships for local high school students to attend UNC Pembroke or Robeson Community College.
To fund these endeavors our club, has to rely on the All-American Golf Tournament and Pancake Festival. When people in our community support these events, they are supporting kids.
If you live in Robeson County or any place in the world and see a Kiwanis Sign or Logo, please know that children are being served. If you are asked to help, consider saying yes!
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