#Golf April 15
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For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog happened while playing GOLF.

Last Saturday, I embarked on a golfing adventure with three fantastic friends. Despite the blustery weather, our camaraderie was unbeatable. However, it was on the 16th hole of the golf course where hilarity ensued, providing a much-needed break from our less-than-stellar golfing skills.
It might help if I define some common flight patterns of a golf ball.
Slice-A shot that curve violently to the right.
Hook-A shot that curve violently to the left.
Then there comes the nuance between a CUT and FADE Both shots involve a left-to-right curvature for a right-handed golfer, a cut is generally a more controlled and subtle movement, while a fade is a deliberate and more pronounced shot shape.
My playing partners refer to my drives when I’m hitting it well as a fade.
April Conversation Challenge
The overarching aim for the 30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge is to engage or to repeat conversations and disseminate them. Whether these conversations hold valuable lessons, shareable insights, or are simply a mishmash of thoughts, the goal remains to foster connection and potential learning experiences for all involved.
Rules of the Challenge
First brevity is the key. Second it is not necessary to fully identify the parties involved but writing it like a script might be helpful. Third the conversations being shared can come from personal experiences, books, films, TV shows, or are imaginations.
Do this daily for 30 Days posting on social media with the hashtag #Coach4adayChallenge
April 15th-16th Hole Comedy
First it might help if you see a video of the 16th Hole at Fairmont Golf Club where the comedy routine was played out.
On the 16th Hole all four of us found different parts of the golf course. One shot hit a tree and wound up 75 yards to the left of the tee box over a very long ditch. Second player was short almost parrel to the first tee shot but at the edge of the tree line. Third player was long but way right of the fairway. My tee shot was a fade and landed in the fairway. For the record I was playing a golf ball with the brand name of CUT.
It took us about 10 minutes to locate my three partners golf balls and hit their second shots on the course. Once everyone had taken their shots, one of my playing partners, who was ahead of my cart in the fairway, yelled back, “What did you hit?” I responded loudly, “I hit a cut!” He turned back with a puzzled expression and remarked, “You hit a fade.” As he stood over a ball, he insisted it wasn’t mine and pointed to another ball about 30 yards ahead. Driving up to that ball, I confirmed, “This is a Titleist.” Again, he shouted, “What ball did you hit?” Exasperated, I reiterated, “I hit a cut!” He shook his head, denying my claim. Frustrated, I exclaimed, “Yes, I did!” Finally, one of our other partners intervened, presenting a cut golf ball as evidence.

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