#Gift May 19
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Every day is a GIFT. Today’s post is about that concept.

As part of the 30 Day Life Lesson Challenge I am sharing “Life Lessons” many people have modeled for me. Some of these leaders I know, others I have read about. W.T Johnson was a High School Football Coach I never met but he emphasized the lesson that every day truly is a GIFT. He died in 2019.
On Thursday December 20, 2018 Newton High School in Texas defeated Canadian HS 21-16 in football to capture the Class 3A Division II Texas State HS Championship. That game marked the last time W.T coached a game. He had a Coaching W-L record of 97-15. The 2018 championship was the fifth state crown in football for the school.
For those geographically challenged Newton TX is located in East Texas. Population 2,387 and located in a pretty rural part of the state.
W.T. Johnson has a serious health issue. In 2015, Johnston received a double lung transplant and soon after developed chronic host versus graft disease which makes it nearly impossible to breathe at times. In the spring of 2018 he was told by his doctors that he didn’t have long to live maybe eight months. A leader’s character is unveiled when they are going thru personal struggles and still can look to find ways to serve others. Servant leadership was personified by Coach W.T. Johnson.
Here was his quote after his team won the championship knowing he didn’t have long to live.
I get to see how I am impacting people before I die,” Johnston said. “I know I am going to die. “Most of you won’t get that chance. You will have a heart attack or die in a car crash or something and never see it coming. I’ve been given a GIFT. “I’ve been given a great life. It is about what you do with it. I try to not just talk about x’s and o’s. I try to talk about life. Everyone is going to experience it one day. The lord has shown me so many great things through this and I hope I have shown these guys.
We all have been given a GIFT today. Go out and use it by serving others.
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