Tagged: Servant Leader

#Gift May 19

Every day is a GIFT. Today’s post is about that concept. As part of the 30 Day Life Lesson Challenge I am sharing “Life Lessons” many people have modeled for me. Some of these...

#Flashback September 18

I have been having memory FLASHBACKS of various people over the past two weeks. Don’t know what is causing it but when it happens I try to reflect. The other day I was driving...

#Brag April 13

The unknown is fertile ground for the spread of commentary and opinion. The unknown requires faith, hope, and leadership to be successfully navigated. If left by its own devices it will morph into rumors,...

#Unexpected March 14

In life sometimes leaders come face to face with UNEXPECTED challenges that no amount of planning could have anticipated. That has been the case this week. We didn’t see the tsunami coming and have...

#Admire February 16

Another way to describe the word ADMIRE is to emulate. Last night my wife and I got host eleven other couples that we really ADMIRE. It was our annual Valentine’s Day Dinner. The menu...

#Surround January 20

There are a couple of quotes that stress the importance of who we associate or SURROUND ourselves with. Birds of a feather flock together” “Bad Company corrupts Good Character” “The only way to get...

#Inspires December 15

I got asked a very poignant question last week. What INSPIRES you? I answered very quickly it is not what that INSPIRES me but who INSPIRES me. Here are some of the qualities of...

#Provide October 20

Many mornings when I begin writing my daily post I struggle to find the right word to frame my thoughts. Today I wrestled with the two words; adding and contributing but eventually settled on...

#Care October 7

Yesterday I have the privilege of delivering the “Minute for Mission” at First Presbyterian Church. I am part of the 2019 Stewardship Committee and was asked to speak on the theme which is FOR...