Category: Coaching

#Reflection November 7

There was a poem written in 1934 that really captures the importance of REFLECTION. That poem was composed by Dale Wimbrow and is titled “The Guy in the Glass” I have read a number...

# Unexpected November 4

You find cash in a jacket pocket that you forgot about and that becomes an UNEXPECTED surprise. I think most of us would agree that the positive UNEXPECTED events do happen. We also know...

#Friday October 26

I can tell you a Retired FRIDAY feels different than Working FRIDAY. The biggest reason is the freedom to engage in tasks that I am excited about. It is amazing the positive energy that...

#Idea October 23

I touched on the power of an IDEA back with a post on January 15 What I wrote then is below. I believe this with even more conviction today. GOD gives us many gifts...

#Analysis October 21

There is a quote that reads like this about indecision and worry “Paralysis by ANALYSIS” When we have a difficult time making a decision that quote defines many of us. It can be a...

#Financial October 1

spend a lot of time during any of my presentations telling people that success is predicated on mastering certain fundamentals and possessing habits. When it comes to having a good FINANCIAL health the same...

#Nominate September 30

There is amazing feeling that comes over most people when they realize someone has taken the time to NOMINATE them for an award or recognition. We all can be that person who gets to...

#Candidate September 29

I recently received a phone call from an excited graduate of UNC Pembroke who went from being a CANDIDATE to being accepted to professional school. Her experience as a CANDIDATE was fabulous and listening...

#Interested September 28

Jim Collins author of the book “Good to Great” early in his professional life created a personal board of advisors. One of the people he had was John Gardner who was Secretary of Health,...

#Opportunity September 27

There is something humbling when a prospective employee, student, church member, volunteer, or friend tells you “All I am looking for is an OPPORTUNITY.”  Before you can see an OPPORTUNITY, you have to be...