#Analysis October 21

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There is a quote that reads like this about indecision and worry

“Paralysis by ANALYSIS”

Too much analysis is not always a good thing

When we have a difficult time making a decision that quote defines many of us.

It can be a condition that comes with a whole host of negative consequences. In essence our minds are so full of what MIGHT happen that we can’t process all of those scenarios to reach a decision.

There is no doubt that it is prudent to gather information about any important decision. Paralysis by ANALYSIS happens when you spend too much time analyzing all that information and second-guessing every possible outcome.

The reality of this dilemma is not all decisions are as life altering as we make them out to be. The other fact is delaying a decision is in fact a decision. It has a name procrastination.

Keep these things in mind

  • It is okay to gather information and make the best decision. Even if it is wrong often times you can correct it.
  • It is hard but do not let worry dominate your decision making process-Dale Carnegie coined a phrase that 90% of what people worry about never is as bad as they thought.

Sometimes when we think long we think wrong.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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