Tagged: Quotes

#Cogitate February 10

I have stated it in prior posts when you listen and read daily you are certain to be exposed to new words. It happened to me last week with COGITATE. To COGITATE is to...

#Quotes January 30

I am very fortunate that a number of talented basketball coaches follow this blog most via twitter. I was thinking on my long walk this past Saturday of some of my favorite basketball QUOTES....

#Analysis October 21

There is a quote that reads like this about indecision and worry “Paralysis by ANALYSIS” When we have a difficult time making a decision that quote defines many of us. It can be a...

#Provide October 20

Many mornings when I begin writing my daily post I struggle to find the right word to frame my thoughts. Today I wrestled with the two words; adding and contributing but eventually settled on...

#Altruism October 16

ALTRUISM is certainly not a word I use in my writing or vocabulary. I need to write about people who practice this quality more often. I also need to grow the altruistic aspects of...

#Pen August 1

I write a lot of words every day. Sometimes on the keyboard but often on paper with a PEN. There are lots of quotes about a PEN. The English words “The PEN is mightier...