Tagged: Worry

#Worry September 28

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the lesson is on WORRY. There are many passages in the bible about anxiety, fear, and worry. One verse I am fond of is...

#Anxiety March 23

I am reading a book and one topic that opened my eyes was ANXIETY. The book I am currently reading is called The Confidence Course and it is written by Walter Anderson. Anderson is...

#Metta February 3

During my two week journey with Mr. COVID I often had moments of self-doubt if my immune system would ever get the upper hand an kick the virus to the curb. Like everyone battling...

#Worry May 12

This is not a long post. I read something very profound during my early morning devotional last week. COVID 19 has caused much WORRY. It seems that most news stories about the pandemic have...

#Analysis October 21

There is a quote that reads like this about indecision and worry “Paralysis by ANALYSIS” When we have a difficult time making a decision that quote defines many of us. It can be a...