#Blank January 18
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BLANK page-stare at screen-BLANK page-stare at screen-BLANK page

Today has been one of those days where nothing seems to be coming to me to write. Just a BLANK page on BLANK computer screen. I have encountered BLANK screen syndrome.
I then remember reading a quote about the habit of writing. So I typed it below.
“You don’t have to write today but until you do you can’t do anything else”
I then remembered another thought about willpower (motivation) in comparison to habit.
“Motivation is what gets you started but habit keeps you going”
Then it came to me. I was trying to make myself feel like writing. I was trying to will myself to write today. I wanted to feel like writing before I began.
I turned my focus to what was on my list of morning habits and realized I just needed to start writing. Didn’t matter what just that the habit of writing was turned on. So I typed the word BLANK. Once that word was up the habit kicked in and other words started to flow. It wasn’t that I felt like writing it was the habit of writing that got me away from my feelings.
I also thought about January 1, 2014 where I became motivated to create a blog. There was excitement and energy. Yet today it was the habit of writing daily that made BLANK Screen Syndrome disappear. It was not my will power. When our behavior or system of living consists of habits/rituals versus depending on our feelings we don’t stay BLANK for long.
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