Monthly Archive: August 2022

#Pertinacity August 20

Looking up a synonym for persistence and found PERTINACITY. In essence holding true to a course of action. Life often brings us challenges that tempt us to give up on a goal, dream, or...

#Replacement August 19

Continuing to look for quick ways to implement concepts for the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge. Today it is securing REPLACEMENT documents in North Carolina. Documents like birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports. Post from...

#Differences August 18

Some truths I believe in. First each of us has been created in unique way and that results in DIFFERENCES Second the only way to grow as a Christian is to surrender our lives...

#Eliminate August 17

Continuing to tweak ideas related to the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge. Today I am focusing on how to ELIMINATE. Aspiring to create a post today by eliminating all the typing. A post without excessive...

#Smell August 16

Humans might believe we are superior in every way but one place in nature where we fall short is related to SMELL. Here is an example. Humans have about 5 million olfactory receptors while...

#DIPA August 15

Push notifications seem to pop up on my phone more and more frequently. Yet, one last week about DIPA got my attention. There are friends in my social circle that need no introduction to...

#Courses August 13

Had a moment to reflect on what it was like to attend Morristown HS in the late 1960’s. Specifically what COURSES did I take. My memory may be a little fuzzy, but I believe...

#Collage August 12

Maybe it is true that a picture can convey 1,000 words well then, a COLLAGE can tell a story. This month as a I take on the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge I am looking...