#Undervalued January 22
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What are some of the most UNDERVALUED items in most people’s lives? Personally, I believe it is not tangible items like stocks or commodities but our self-esteem.

Warren Buffet has made a fortune by buying companies he believes are UNDERVALUED. His principles on purchasing stocks and companies may just apply to increasing our personal value.
Thoughts about something being UNDERVALUED
Sentiment can push the perception that an item is below its growth potential. This happens because people have a tendency to look at the past and determine it will be a future trend also. That makes the individual who goes against the grain by seeing potential around the corner in financial markets often rich. Yet, they do that fighting against fear and the loneliness of not being in the majority.
How to respond when you feel UNDERVALUED
Covid-19 and the pandemic has made many employees feel UNDERVALUED. The “Great Resignation” has been caused partially by feelings of being UNDERVALUED. That feeling can apply to other roles in someone’s life.
Humans have to fight our brains against one of the great ills of the 21st Century, comparison to others. Comparison has always existed, but it has been fueled by social media. When we perceive that we are less than someone else our brain actually releases cortisol. When we perceive that we are doing better than someone we get a dose of serotonin. Each chemical impacts our mood and feeling of self-worth.
Does there exist techniques that people can do to break the cycle of feeling UNNDERVALUED? My response is yes.
Creating the feeling of value
- Start providing value to others. Find ways to serve others. When lifting other up becomes your focus, it is amazing what it does to your brain’s perception of you.
- Personal integrity-start keeping all the promises you make. Begin with the pledges you make to yourself first.
- Adopt the First Habit “Be Proactive” from Stephen Covey‘s best-selling book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“. You realize that you are responsible for your life not others.
- Create goals and begin identifying a “tiny habit” you adopt that will help you get closer to accomplishing it.
Remember that sentiment of others should have no role in determining our value. That choice belongs to each of us.
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