Tagged: Tim Ferris


#Aurelius February 16

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#Average April 17

Today’s Coach4aday post is on AVERAGE. On Saturdays I often get a chance to read long form articles. This past weekend thanks to a recommendation from Tim Ferris I read the “The Age of...

#Prioritize September 10

Today for the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge is about a technique to help someone PRIORITIZE.  The concept comes from Jim Collins on his formula for living a fulfilling life. He has authored a number of books...

#Automate August 2

Today for Day-2 of the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge I am explaining AUTOMATE. Yesterday when I described this challenge for August, I briefly explained the concept of Automate below. AUTOMATE-Is it possible to delegate...

#DEAL August 1

Today begins the 32nd consecutive month taking on a new Coach4aday 30-Day Challenge. For August 2022 the theme will be attempting to apply some of the concepts in Tim Ferris book the 4-Hour Work...

#2021 December 31

This has been some year. Today’s post is part of “Past Year in Review” (PYR) I undertook. That concept came from Tim Ferris. When my 2021 PYR was finished it provided me with feedback...

#Communication January 7

Last night a good friend bragged on how wonderful his daughter was in telling stories and COMMUNICATING with him and his wife. We talked about how important the leadership skill of COMMUNICATION was. On...

#Priorities December 31

Today and tomorrow are the days that many people take on the task of establishing resolutions for the new year. I have done that in the past. For 2021 I am establishing three PRIORITIES...

#Self-Efficacy April 20

George Raveling has a fantastic twitter feed called The Daily Coach. I love his writing because the man is so well read. He is model for the term voracious reader. I strongly encourage you...

#Formula February 4

It took me two days but I listened to a fabulous podcast by Tim Ferris. In that podcast I learned about what you need if you have a idea or dream. The FORMULA comes...