Tagged: Motivational Quote

#March 11 Meeting

Today contribution to the 30-Day Letter Writing Coach4aday Challenge is on how to define a MEETING. The challenge involves composing a letter to yourself when you were an earlier age. The goal is to focus on...

#Winston January 12

Today for the 30-Day Movie Coach4aday Challenge I watched a documentary on WINSTON Churchill. Located a 2017 film called “Darkest Hour” on Netflix. Fascinating look at the first few weeks of Winston Churchill tenure as Prime Minister...

#Disappointment October 19

Last week I had to deal with professional DISAPPOINTMENT. Initially the expected emotions flooded over me. Anger and rationalization appeared but in short order I decided to put into practice a quote I use...

#Skylarking October 12

Today’s Coach4aday post is on a term I discovered called SKYLARKING. Simply put it is “indulging in horseplay”. Last week I wrote about Newsletters and on cue the Leadership Freak Newsletter authored by Dan...

#Recap September 30

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today I am doing a RECAP post. Over the past thirty days it has been fantastic to go back and think about impactful things I...

#Shrink September 29

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the focus is on how to SHRINK the task of changing. Organizations, teams, businesses, churches, and individuals all struggle with change. One quote...

#Wealth September 12

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge with the focus today on WEALTH. Last week I was sharing with friends the things I learned about the Mormon faith on my...

#Pertinacity August 20

Looking up a synonym for persistence and found PERTINACITY. In essence holding true to a course of action. Life often brings us challenges that tempt us to give up on a goal, dream, or...

#Leadership July 26

For Day 26 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge I am profiling the ingredients for LEADERSHIP. Perusing the non-fiction aisle at a Barnes and Noble many years ago another customer uttered a powerful statement. “Why are...

#Coachella May 10

Today the theme for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge is COACHELLA Let’s get the myths out of the way first. I am not some cutting-edge or current entertainment savant. Fact of the matter I had no...