Tagged: Morristown NJ

#Memory August 6

#Memory August 6

Today the #Coach4adayChallenge is to share your earliest MEMORY. Attempt to go back as far as possible and describe what you remember. Please share how old you were and where this recall took place....

#Bakery June 18

Going to a BAKERY is a happy place for me. This entire month is about sharing “happy places” as part of #Coach4adayChallenge 30 Day Happy Places. Today I share what makes a BAKERY special...

#Library May 22

Visiting a LIBRARY can change your life. One of the my first great possessions was a card to the Morristown NJ LIBRARY. Growing up in Morristown NJ in the 1960’s there were lots of...

#INVENTIONS January 21

Every state should be proud of unique INVENTIONS or products that they are associated with.I have consiered New Jersey, South Carolina, and most importantly North Carolina home. I grew up in Morristown, New Jersey...

#Telegraph September 19

My mind works sometimes in strange ways. I was watching a football game and the color commentator said the Quarterback TELEGRAPHED that pass to the defense. It made me wonder about Samuel Morse and his invention...

#Dads June 21

This post originally appeared on June 21, 2020, but it was updated on June 18,2023. Today on Father’s Day I reflected on all I have learned from my DAD and many other men who...

#Speedwell May 26

I often get asked what it was like growing up in New Jersey not too far removed from New York City.  My house in Morristown NJ was just thirty miles from the Holland and...

#Bake April 1

I have decided for April that my publicly announced 30 Day Challenge is going to learn how to BAKE something at least 2 times a week. I would love to have others join me...

#Rivals February 12

As an elementary school student in the early 1960’s I loved February 12th because it was celebrated as a school holiday, President Lincoln’s Birthday. In 1968 the federal government created President’s Day and the...

#Mechanic January 5

There are all types of MECHANICS. A common theme is they possess the ability to complete complex tasks. One person who could do that was my dad. During World War II my father Francis...