Tagged: Jim Collins

#Prioritize September 10

Today for the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge is about a technique to help someone PRIORITIZE.  The concept comes from Jim Collins on his formula for living a fulfilling life. He has authored a number of books...

#Business May 20

Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge my theme is BUSINESS. Lesson learned from my days as a coach was the leadership concepts could transfer from different professions. Working in college athletics I read a lot...

#2021 December 31

This has been some year. Today’s post is part of “Past Year in Review” (PYR) I undertook. That concept came from Tim Ferris. When my 2021 PYR was finished it provided me with feedback...

#Priorities December 31

Today and tomorrow are the days that many people take on the task of establishing resolutions for the new year. I have done that in the past. For 2021 I am establishing three PRIORITIES...

#Luck December 23

We all have a friend or co-worker that utters phrases like. “I never win anything” or “I have no LUCK” The pandemic has caused each of us ponder the bad LUCK or misfortune that has come our...

#Exquisite December 18

I got to revisit a Tim Ferris Podcast where his guest was Jim Collins. During the course of their 2 hour conversation the word EXQUISITE came up. I really got into their banter about the qualities and...

#Surround January 20

There are a couple of quotes that stress the importance of who we associate or SURROUND ourselves with. Birds of a feather flock together” “Bad Company corrupts Good Character” “The only way to get...

#Levels December 19

I find the work of Jim Collins fascinating because he is curious and data driven. He has authored or co-authored a half dozen books including many books Good to Great and Built to Last...

#Hero December 17

This week I listened to Jim Collins talk about the author John McPhee on a podcast. John McPhee wrote a book called “A Sense of Where You Are” in 1965 about my childhood HERO....

#Interested September 28

Jim Collins author of the book “Good to Great” early in his professional life created a personal board of advisors. One of the people he had was John Gardner who was Secretary of Health,...