Tagged: Happiness

#Happiness April 7

For Day 7 of the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge I choose the word HAPPINESS. Personally, I am very happy, but over the past two weeks I have been interacting with people that are hurting...

#Equivalent March 17

I continued to be more and more concerned about people who believe that their self-worth is connected to having a life EQUIVALENT to others. I have written before that the greatest sin of the...

#Genuine March 2

In the 21st Century we are constantly under the threat that a message or phone call someone sends to us it not going to be GENUINE. Messages claiming to be from the IRS, Social...

#Enthuiastic January 16

I got posed with a question right after New Years Day. The question came after the following statement was directed at me. “You seem to have a comfortable life” but does that make you...

#Perspective December 9

This is not the first time I have written about PERSPECTIVE. I did a post in 2019 and another on June 5th of this year on PERSPECTIVE. I attempt to write unique posts each day but sometimes a...

#Recap October 31

Today’s post is a recap of October 30 Day Sharing Challenge. This month’s challenge was not intense nor was it physically taxing. What it did require was a conscious decision each morning to actively attempt to...

#Karma October 19

This month my 30 Day Challenge is to share something daily with someone else. I am convinced that there is a strong spiritual connection taking place between what I am doing and what is appearing unexpectedly...

#Share October 1

Today is the first of the month so that means the beginning of a NEW 30 Day Challenge for October. I really hope you will read the post and decide to join the group...

#Ikigai September 10

One of the habits I am working on in this month 30 Day Challenge to create The Miracle Morning is to read. Last week as part of my morning leadership reading I came across...

#Mission August 18

Sometimes we have days or moments when we just go thru the motions. It can take place at work, school, in a relationship, or in our spiritual journey. I am convinced that the happiest...