Tagged: Empathy

#Concern April 4

One important component of leadership is to have CONCERN for others. When you get aligned with someone who always puts the needs of others above themself you are in good company. So how does...

#Observations December 14

Writing a blog post everyday has changed me. I have no doubt that most of ideas come from reading and OBSERVATIONS. Retirement has helped me refine my ability to OBSERVE my surroundings and environment...

#Opinions July 5

It is easy to get weary scrolling thru Social Media because of the volume of OPINIONS. They are offered up on all types of subjects, issues, and people. The OPINIONS are often sarcastic, scathing,...

#Shame March 22

One of the eight books I am reading for my March 30 Day Reading Challenge is by Brene Brown and is titled Rising Strong. She touches on many subjects but one that I really...

#Inspires December 15

I got asked a very poignant question last week. What INSPIRES you? I answered very quickly it is not what that INSPIRES me but who INSPIRES me. Here are some of the qualities of...

#Vulnerability August 18

While I was speaking at Radford University last week Susan Taylor the Director of Advancement shared a list of leadership books she has read. Susan Taylor On the list was the book Strengths Quest by Donald...