Tagged: Dan Heath

#Shrink September 29

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the focus is on how to SHRINK the task of changing. Organizations, teams, businesses, churches, and individuals all struggle with change. One quote...

#Tweak September 5

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge. The concept is to profile a lesson a book, article, or written words has taught you. Today I am focusing on what...

#Changing January 3

For many Americans either today or tomorrow will see them back at work for the first day in 2022. For many they have spent the holiday break thinking about CHANGING how, where, and why...

#SUCCESs February 10

There is not a typo I am spelling SUCCESs correctly. I am following up on yesterday’s post on why Aesop Fables were so memorable. Those stories has a certain stickiness to them. I am...

#Bright December 27

Came across another fascinating author, college professor, and psychologist named Adam Grant. I got to listen to him talk for two hours on a podcast with Tim Ferris. Adam talked about a lot of...

#Incipient August 27

Came across a new word for me as I was attempting to find a synonym for growing. I found INCIPIENT. What struck me as a former basketball coach was the definition used a basketball...