Tagged: Comparsion

#Envy April 26

ENVY can be dangerous and destructive. I remain concerned about the prevalence of comparison in the 21st Century. When we measure our self worth against what we see on social media it can become...

#Equivalent March 17

I continued to be more and more concerned about people who believe that their self-worth is connected to having a life EQUIVALENT to others. I have written before that the greatest sin of the...

#Notice March 5

I have a number of friends that have decided to abstain from social media for Lent. There are varying degrees of sacrifice with this Lenten promise. Each individual involved in this fast will have...

#Comparsion January 25

The “King of the Jungle” is the lion. The lion in COMPARSION to other animals is not the tallest, largest, fastest, or even the smartest. The elephant is the largest, the giraffe the tallest,...

#Confusion December 21

I am pretty sure all of us have circumstances where we suffer from CONFUSION. We mistakenly identify an individual as someone else is a case in point. We may also be in a conversation...

#Pop October 6

My wife loves popcorn. She often makes up a bowl on a Sunday afternoon. She has popped popcorn a lot of different ways. She has a new gadget called the Colonel Popper Microwave Popcorn...

#Perspective September 5

I am guilty of sometimes of not correctly putting into PERSPECTIVE just how wonderful my life is. Especially today as Hurricane Dorian is hovering off the coast of the Carolinas. I often remind others...